Forums - Question For 24kt Blackheart on your team. Show all 11 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Question For 24kt Blackheart on your team. ( Posted by SunocO on 12:09:2001 08:13 AM: Question For 24kt Blackheart on your team. sorry to bother u but i noticed i use the same team as you(i know many do). i just have a few questions about the team and how u have success with's cool if u don't respond. with bh i stay in the air most of the time thrown k demons and air dashing and when i land i do sk-mk land sk(assist cc)mk inferno heart of darkness. that's all i do. is there anything to add to that? i also have a problem with getting bh out of there. i don't know when it's a good time, i usually let him die which is a bad thing. but i don't like to dhc cause i don't want cable to come in with no supers or 1 super.. but i know i must do it. after a connected hod do i dhc into timeflip or hvb? or should i even do that? should i counter cancel it? is this a good team to stick with? or should i change cc cause i can't do shit with him on point...and with cable basically i just wait for a mistake and do 3x ahvb. i really don't know how to charge super meters with him. u gotta know that i'm really not good with any other characters..i know practice =) plz help me with some strats u do with this team (bh, cable, cpt commando) u can see i'm a newbie =) Posted by g_ngan on 12:09:2001 09:46 AM: First, the way you play bh is fine.But add more rush down and never do the same thing cause your opponent will know what you will do.And don't always press the assist button when u land, let them guess when you will call your assist~ and about the switching in cable~ i usually wait them to high jump and switch in or counter cancel,timeflip,hvb~ it really depends who are you playing against~ if you against cable or sent..i think you should just wait him to high jump and switch~ and building meter with cable himself~ just run around ,jump around and chip them~ throw gernade,or simply press hk or hp to build up meter~ for this team...try to keep bh alive cause bh helps cable a lot! traps,chip~ when get close cc i used to use cc too but now i switch to cammy cause i am better with her~ for doesn't really long as u feel comfortable with it~and remember when your AA is on point~ choose some1 that you can fight! Posted by SunocO on 12:09:2001 07:18 PM: damn...that helps a lot man =) i appreciate it. i heard bh has 2 infinites. do u think u can list it here? oh and thanks a lot again hehe Posted by 24kt Blackheart on 12:09:2001 08:53 PM: hmm the two infintes are ************ *Blackheart* ************ -Infinite 1: (j.HK, Air Dash) -Infinite 2: (HK XX /\ XX Air Dash, sj.LK, sj.MK, \/) wut more ? u got for me NOTE: it with a assist is Cyclops and Capcom Posted by 24kt Blackheart on 12:09:2001 08:57 PM: SunocO i would let u know my stylz but i tell u on AOL..wut ur Screen Name. Posted by EXKanzenSouzou on 12:09:2001 10:14 PM: yo sean, he got anoter infinite: Call Cyclops AAA, (SJ Rh, airdash back, Rh,land superjump)... Posted by SunocO on 12:10:2001 06:47 AM: hey thanks man for all the help..i was thinking about going to gotcha games for the tourney on saturday but it was some horrible weather..well i'll pm u with my aim screen name..thanks a lot man.. i appreciate it =) Posted by 24kt Blackheart on 12:10:2001 05:26 PM: how far ur from gotchagames..would teach u some stuff. Posted by SunocO on 12:11:2001 05:41 AM: yah u never seem to be on aim so i'll post some of my questions here. well i live in upper jersey and i was at ctf saturday one was there. well i was wondering can u be more detailed about bh's infinite? the second one at least.. do u rk him then sj dash forward and then press j sk, j mk then s rk again? is this what u were trying to say? and i was thinking about switching out capcom for cyc. i was wondering why u are sticking with capcom.. i like capcom a lot but i think cyc is better at point than capcom. and is the cyc, bh infinite worth doing? and what is the bh cable trap? heh i know they are simple questions but i'm still a noobie.. gonna be a contender real soon =) i'm a cocky mofo it's true it's true Posted by g_ngan on 12:11:2001 07:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by SunocO yah u never seem to be on aim so i'll post some of my questions here. well i live in upper jersey and i was at ctf saturday one was there. well i was wondering can u be more detailed about bh's infinite? the second one at least.. do u rk him then sj dash forward and then press j sk, j mk then s rk again? is this what u were trying to say? and i was thinking about switching out capcom for cyc. i was wondering why u are sticking with capcom.. i like capcom a lot but i think cyc is better at point than capcom. and is the cyc, bh infinite worth doing? and what is the bh cable trap? heh i know they are simple questions but i'm still a noobie.. gonna be a contender real soon =) i'm a cocky mofo it's true it's true the cable bh trap works like this~ cable jumps and call bh and hp(gun)and then throw generade or beam~ and there will be 2 hits for the bh assist~ then u can beam again~ the other way bh....cable sj then hp(gun) then generade~ when they are getting close....use ur AA Posted by SunocO on 12:11:2001 02:41 PM: heh thanks again =) All times are GMT. 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